

(Assamese)Self taught (Concept artist)::📍Building my own journey…

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A.i dream

Just a simple personal project scene creation using unreal and blender inspired by mid journey prompts . I am always curious about how ai dreams about everything 😅🙏🙌🤞,My simple take in 3d..... results are not as expected but i can live with that for now.

2 10

Today just a practice about some asset creation, i love to create assets that has some rough grungy vibe to it so after creating asset i managed to make a scene out of it, not 100% happy with the scene but going to explore the scene with same assets in future for sure.

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Random scene creation using blender , sometime it's fun to work in low light scene, u can hide many errors in the dark😂😂..

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(कंसील्ड) Concealed
Just some quick environment practice in blender and post processing in photoshop.

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Little redhood dreams
(Particular artwork is Using midjourney a.i & photoshop)

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