

meiradula on BlueSky
Tent/Dynamo/Edit/Explosher FA UK
Physical Tableturf artist
PfP: @tedispl

フォロー数:1662 フォロワー数:270

Day 20: H-3 Nozzlenose.

"Aim before you shoot."
This is one of my favourite weapons due to being a part of the "semi-auto Shooter" category. Even compared to the L-3 its play-style feels different and unique.

Squeezer is the next weapon!

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Day 19: Goo Tuber.

The newest charger and the one designed to take the most advantage of the new Charge-Holding mechanic. Being able to hold a charge for such a long time allows you to set-up for a Splat before even seeing the opponent.

The next weapon is the H-3 Nozzlenose! 😍

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Day 18: Dyanmo Roller.

With an incredibly long wind-up for the swing a Dynamo works well when you can track an opponent effectively, or predict where they are going to be before you've even begun the swing to catch them off-guard.

Next on the list is the Goo Tuber!

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Day 17: Explosher.

A long-range support which can paint an incredible amount due to its explosion type shots. As long as you don't get pushed into any short-range fights or having to deal with airborne enemies, the slow but high-damage shots work fine.

Up next is Dynamo Roller!

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Day 16: Jet Squelcher.

The longest range shooter weapon and a master of suppression, so much so that both kits help enhance this ability either by denying areas or causing opponents to move unwillingly.

The next weapon is the Explosher!

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Day 15: Carbon Roller.

A short range roller, even compared to regular rollers. Heavily favoured in its branded form with access to Burst Bombs to help with kill confirmation and moving around, particularly up walls.

Next up is the Jet Squelcher.

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Day 14: Bamboozler 14. (That was not planned.)

This one feels a bit lazy so I may end up redoing it at some point. Tried out a couple of new things with this drawing though so those'll be interesting to see in the future (if needed).

The next weapon is the Carbon Roller.

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Day 13: N-ZAP.

Also known as "The Vanilla Support" (by me). This weapon does well staying in the mid-front lines and support the main slayers on the team with its great turfing ability and Ink Armor.

Next on the list is Bamboozler 14.

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Day 12: Squiffer.

This charger has a shorter range compared to others but a quicker charge time to match. Where most chargers favour defensive play this one can take the front-lines just as well. Just, make sure you don't miss.

The next weapon is the N-ZAP.

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Day 10: Splattershot Jr.

The very first weapon any player comes in contact with. It has a very solid support kit with Ink Armor for survival and Splat Bombs for spacing. The main weapon can also turf a lot making it a great at fundamentals.

The next weapon is the Splat Dualies!

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