

Artist with Nintendo fanart

I'm a great Nintendo-, RPG-, Xenoblade- & Zelda-Fan.

Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/97652…

フォロー数:4998 フォロワー数:3867

Lucina (WIP)

Lucina, the beautiful “Hero Princess Blade”
She is the last member of the Idol Group “Healing Swords”.

They will have their debut this week.^^
I hope you are looking forward to it.

14 42

Alear (WIP)

Alear, the gentle “Divine Dragon Blade”
She is a member of the Idol Group “Healing Swords”.

They will have their debut this month.^^
I hope you are looking forward to it.

7 29

Nia (WIP)

Nia, the lovely “Welsh Cat Blade”
She is the leader of the Idol Group “Healing Swords”.

They will have their debut this month.^^
I hope you are looking forward to it.

14 90