

Artist with Nintendo fanart

I'm a great Nintendo-, RPG-, Xenoblade- & Zelda-Fan.

Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/97652…

フォロー数:4998 フォロワー数:3867

This was my most successful picture I have ever posted.^^

I had never expected that this picture will get over 4000 likes.

I'm very thankful for everyones support and I will do my best to draw more cute pictures in the future. https://t.co/bPtAA60T6a

10 37

My dear friends and followers,
I'm curious:

Which ones are your favourite games this year?

14 111

Here are some of my pictures of the second half of 2023.
It was a great time and thank you all for your support.^^

10 41

It was this one:
My picture for the 6th Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Anniversary this year.^^ https://t.co/tkHnBRFkMA

246 1956

Nia (WIP 2)🎄

Here is a new WIP for my Christmas Nia.^^

I make good progress with my big Xenoblade Christmas picture and you will see it this week.

I hope you are looking forward to it.

24 188