

Pixel artist | He/Him |

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:192

Was bored and decided to make some new blades. While the one on the left isn't very practical I think it looks pretty neat. :D

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Two posts in one day, how rare. Thought I'd share some of these mini portraits I've made.

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I don't know why I made these...But they're kinda cute so they're staying xD

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Haven't posted anything in a while so I decided to post a few of the monsters I've made recently.

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Decided to update that Marauder's head and make it more my own, I think it turned out pretty well.

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I tried to do a Marauder head from Couldn't find a really good pic of the face so I took some creative liberties.

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I was bored and decided to make two new fun weapons, the Arkasion Brimstone Lance, and the Custom LanceRifle. I've been trying to get back into the groove of making things besides swords lately :D

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The Arkasion Crater Kannon....or the ACK:

This cannon was created specifically for the Arkasion GateCrashers, super heavy and super powerful this weapon of mass destruction can rip a hole through almost any surface using its beam.

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A friend asked me to make a cutesy chakram for them, only made it because I was bored but it did end up looking okay.

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Haven't done a sprite fusion in a while, so here's the baby Ho-oh x Eevee fusion :D

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