

Pixel artist | He/Him |

フォロー数:502 フォロワー数:192

Was in an "Absolute frickin unit" Mindset today so here yall go.

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I recreated that blade on the far right from photoshop into the program I normally use for pixelart. I named it the UndyingRage blade, the blade is said to flare up and become stronger the more inner rage you have.

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Decided I'd spice up today a bit by mass posting some things I've made but haven't posted yet.

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Made a new weird blade, might make a set out of this design but I'm not sure yet. This is the AbyssalHook blade.

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I didn't get a proper answer from anyone so I got bored and updated the WiltedRose armour.

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My 200th tweet is a neat Origin form I made for my buddy Monolith.

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Can't have a weapon set without an armour set. So here's the WiltedRose armour set, comes complete with gross twisty mystery tendrils and a beating heart in the chest.

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A lot of posts today but I got bored and decided to make some more items for the WiltedRose set. So here's the WR blade, mini-spear, and a bow n' arrow.

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Decided I'd show off some of the creatures I've made over the past couple of weeks. Pretty proud of these :D

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Made a Champions set, excluding proper armour of course. Here are the champions helm, dual swords, and buckler.

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