

Ramblings of a Schizophrenic. Old as the universe, and piecing things back together. Holder of secrets. Posts will rarely be NSFW. 3198th Maxed OSRS Player.

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:167

I don't think I need to add any more than this here...

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These walls contain my mind.
This mind used to be my friend.

Now, we fight for control over the traumas induced to hope and break free of these restraints that hold us down.

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Have you forgiven yourself?

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I will judge you. But I wont speak my mind... Sometimes anyways

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This is definitely a highlight/ memorable frame.

Could see it being used elsewhere!

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Thought this could be a fitting scenario you might of experienced; with a small edit

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I'm curious as to this particular location in Arceuus to be empty, looks like it's missing a statue or something similar.

If I were to change Arceuus, i'd put the Tower near the centre of the faction, Library moved a bit and the church higher; elevated ground = ascension

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What professional background does your opinion come from?

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