

Ramblings of a Schizophrenic. Old as the universe, and piecing things back together. Holder of secrets. Posts will rarely be NSFW. 3198th Maxed OSRS Player.

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:169

Care to check these accounts out? League world, botting by the looks of it - All doing the same thing

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Relationships nowadays:

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Huh. Guess they've blocked me some reason. Shrug

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Tfw you click on someone's profile on a tweet and sudden newsflash

You're blocked. People are confusing.

Don't think i've ever even made contact with this person or what I did to upset them. Lol

I demand answers (nah not really, just saw your tweet and henceforth)

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Smug boys deserve appreciation.

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Pfft. I'll be in one these before that happens

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