

Marine biologist (MSc Sound Behaviour of Humpback Whales🐋), researcher. Profile pic from @oryozema.

フォロー数:395 フォロワー数:366

If the Ninja Turtles can do it, AND stay in fighting shape, then it MUST be possible! For science! (I can hear a Dodger going "Noooooo..." in the distance)

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your ISP better get their act together, at least I hope your internet gets fixed asap. But anyways, people will / ought to understand the internet issue, and it not being within your control.

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First new army in Warhammer40k since 2011 & first few games since '04. My new Death Spectres. Geoff / wanted to see my army when it was done, he rekindled my interest in the lore and factions. Included the community-funded pin of his emote incL . The Emprah Protects!

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Finished few minis today (chill nerdy day). Death Spectres chapter, lesser known but with kickass mysterious lore. Sergeant with hand flamer and power fist from 2nd edition (kept it since back in 1994; back again in the rules) and a classic whirlwind I got second-hand for cheap.

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Gonna be one of those days, it sounds like. Safe & smooth travels! Grab a cold brew bottle for energy on-the-go. ⚡️☕️

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