

Marine biologist (MSc Sound Behaviour of Humpback Whales🐋), researcher. Profile pic from @oryozema.

フォロー数:395 フォロワー数:366

I foresee this being similar to how you'd describe this venture, later. Added to the vod list. 😄

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seems kinda like the machine turning on its master.

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Curious humpback whale visiting our ship, iceberg from a CAT B15Q phone camera via binoculars, passing sailing vessel and late-summer sun with Snæfellsjökull, heading home.

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Revisited Fall of Cybertron this evening, in the words of the great John Bain: "I kinda accidentally most of the game" and onwards to the finale. And that final stage is imo one of the best around, feels like going through a whole classic cartoon episode with the back and forths.

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nah, just too many traitors! They need purging!

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Heck yeah! I have one sergeant / Sister Superior, one of the old metal ones from ages ago. Unofficial part of my Astartes command squad, will be fun to form a squad around her (or promote her). My mixed-Imperial army will be fun to field and look at (ad.mech and militarum also).

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