

Integrating ART + BIOLOGY, Broadening Participation via Public Engagement, Education & Research #DiversifyArtScience #FieldBioArt #FieldResidency #ScienceMurals

フォロー数:590 フォロワー数:9533

🔬 Hidden World! —Check out photographer Jannicke Wiik-Nielsen's new images of microscopic life. —"...fascinated by the capacity to magnify the organisms up to 200,000 times, and it soon became a research tool of choice."—

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Congratulations to the 2018 SCIENCE VISUALIZATION challenge winners! Check them out:

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The ART of NATURE —"The study of brings together 3 main subjects - Art, Science + the Environment..." —There is only one university course in Australia dedicated to the art of lllustration.

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“The Art of a Scientist” exhibition showcases 34 works created by 22 Scientists + 13 Artists! —““We wanted to get scientists and artists working together to kind of show off the different sides of Science and Art...”

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🦎 Drawing + Illustration via Scientific Illustrator Sandra Sanz . —"I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil, and I remember chasing snakes, lizards and frogs from our local fauna as a little kid." cc

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Mighty Mites! Up close and personal with 7 of Earth's 3 to 5 million species from –"Almost every species of beetle, bird, snake, plant and ant (and everything else, it seems) has between one and four associated species of mites."

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📢 There's still time to submit your SCIENCE Visualizations to the 2018 Visualization Challenge! Submit your work by 4/15.

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🌿 Identification of Animals and Plants is an Essential Skill Set "Take the time to engage with both the little and big things growing around you and discover the joy of re-connecting with Nature."

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📢 CALL for SCIENCE Visualizations for the 2018 Visualization Challenge! Submit your photographs, gifs, videos, illustrations, posters/graphics and interactives by 4/15.

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