

Don't expect a lot of art now, If I doesn't find a job I will be homeless in 8 month.

フォロー数:419 フォロワー数:180

Here the other one.
The Pico have 3 stages ":)
(I really need to draw again the zombie one)
(I don't have design for every characters for the moment)
(The axolotl was in the AU too, but she is not important for the story, just for the background hehe)

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Ayoooo I have two AU's >:) (well in fact one of them was an at)

(The first start was the first art so, everyone changed and I add new characters so ":))
(I will post the other too ":))

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Another cover.
"Don't let the darkness ruin you, the Shadow must not reach you."

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🤔Finally thinking about a names for that AU, what do you think about :

-Dungeon, Drakes & Dragons ? DD&D's
- Draconic history. DH

Another idea ?

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Oh sure, why not, here my baby. 👉👈

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Hoi, here a little wolf version of my version of BF, Brendan Florge.

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Oh wow, it's a big project, can I ?
I have two BF's I will show only one of them, you prefer an dragon (A drake to be more specific) or an classical ?👉👈 (I post the both but huh, I think one it's good, If I'm choosed I let's you do the choice ^^)
Have fun

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Congratulations 🎉!

So huh, I gently drop my little Boyfriend. 👉👈
Have fun with every characters you will choose, I wish you will have fun with this.

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**Drop my BF**
Hi, I want to say good luck with every propositions ^^

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So, the Monster from the world of Drake BF is a noble-like dragon who take off his scales, he shaped his face as to look like a lemon and also put a leaf. He can't fly, his wings are bad made.

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