

2DアニメーターManuela Escolar Gonzalez 🇨🇴 20+ She/her-ENG/ESP OK - animation/story artist at @powerhouseanim - @thelinestudio intern 21 -pfp by @sanjihateclub

フォロー数:1564 フォロワー数:11353

So happy to be between all these lovely people! Proud PIPI!!
You can watch the film here!

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Little pipisona for the ! I am soo excited for everyone to see the film soon so much hard work went into it from soo many people!

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Hi!! I can do both animation and boards! Thank you for being so kind and letting us share our content!

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After some feedback I edited this one! again. She is fine.

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Hi!!! I’m currently doing color commission!!! Thank you so much for letting us share! I can do anthro, human and creature art!

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Maybe in a future when the crew can just visit the human world instead of getting stuck in it.

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I am a Garurumon girl

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