

2DアニメーターManuela Escolar Gonzalez 🇨🇴 20+ She/her-ENG/ESP OK - animation/story artist at @powerhouseanim - @thelinestudio intern 21 -pfp by @sanjihateclub

フォロー数:1564 フォロワー数:11353

[GORE] Story Idea 1. She is ok don't worry. She was almost eaten but she is ok.

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Taking 5 spots at the moment! Ask ro details!
I am opened to do both OCs or Fanart as well as Creature and human.

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Hola! My name is Manuela and I am Colombian Story artist/ Hand-drawn Animator looking for a job this summer! You can check me out on:


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Little character thing for Thesis!

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I cannot express how much I love the Vinland Saga Manga. Like not only is it beautifully drawn but so scenes are so moving…. All characters go through so much growth..

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So excited to show a bit of my contribution on Type S: Chiaki’s journey while I interned at

Exploration boards for VOL 4!
Directed by Tim Mccourt and Sam Taylor!
Storyboard lead: Lou Victor Karnas!

Thank you so much for the opportunity!

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ITS HALLOWEEN TIME! Gift for It was soo much fun collabing with her in Manch 's Halloween MAP! Her characters are so lovely!

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