

Group exhibition of @AngliaMACBI graduates! September 10th - September 29th from 8am to 5pm Mon-Sat @michaelhousecaf in Cambridge.

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# bcbf18

Illustrator profile:
2015 grad, Di, has self published 2 picture books, Jojo and her Solo, and, Where The Rivers Meet The Sea - available from . She is still developing her use of materials and learning all the time.

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Illustrator profile:
2015 grad, Anna, has illustrated several young fiction titles and picture books. One of the last books she illustrated, Catch That Egg!, by Lucy Rowland was pub'd in 2018 . IG .pic

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Illustrator profile:
2017 grad, Beth's book, Child of St Kilda, will by out in November pub'd by . Illustrations from the book were selected for this year's Illustrators Exhibition. IG

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Illustrator profile:
2018 grad, Saskia, enjoys lino, stencils, sponges, pencils, acrylic paint, risography, mono-prints, watercolours and medical-grade scalpels😱😅. Her debut, Pete's Surprise Party, is out soon (Dolphin Media).

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Illustrator profile:
grad, Birgitta has written and illustrated many picturebooks (incl. 'Oliver') that have sold all over the world! She is currently working on 2 new picturebooks that will be published next year. IG

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Illustrator profile:
2015 grad, Anya, loves working in pencil and likes to incorporate humour and wordplay in her work. Her debut picturebook, Magical Pets: A Practical Guide, is out now pub'd by . IG

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Illustrator profile:
2015 grad, Danni's book,Teach Your Giraffe To Ski, to be pub'd Nov(). She also illustrated a book of nursery rhymes, Babbling Babies(). Rep'd by & . IG

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Illustrator profile:
2018 graduate, Eva is from the Netherlands, now Cambridge based. Her debut picturebook, When Sadness Comes to Call, will be out in January and she's now working on her 2nd book (both ). IG

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Illustrator profile:
grad Alison's first book ‘How much does a Ladybird weigh?’ was listed on the Best Books for Kids 2016 and shortlisted for ‘Read it Again!’ Picture Book Award. IG

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Illustrator profile:
2011 grad, Elys can't draw a 🐎 BUT is now an internationally pub'd award winning author/illustrator and now lecturer on the ! New book, Wizarding for Beginners, () is out now! IG

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