

Creator/Husband/Father/Veteran/Lover of Indie Comics Jeremiah 33:3…

フォロー数:1641 フォロワー数:1356

Literally just bought this cuz it's Tom and Jerry playing hockey 🏒 aaaand how can you love hockey and classic cartoons and not snag this?

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Always fun to read the origin issue before ya dive into a Zen binge, foil covers get dogged on but you're a lie or you just hate fun if this cover don't tickle fancy. 7/7 would recommend

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Finally finished this behemoth today and man I'm so ready for Kuuga to get here. I NEED ALL THE SHOTARO MANGAZ. ALL OF THEM!!! 7/7 Heavily recommend even if you don't like anime or manga this art is a must see for any penciller/inker/illustrator.

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Unless one of em is Goku then don't even debate it cuz no matter who the other one is.....they ain't beating Goku.

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I really should mess around and collect this full run. Mike Sekowski on Captain Flash was a standout but literally all these stories are fun with stellar classic art. The B&W just puts more emphasis on the often overlooked caliber of artists that were around at the time.

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On rare occasions I break my "Larry Hama G.I. Joe only" rule, didn't regret it this was a cool story. More for Major Bludd highlights than anything else and Roadblock had a classic moment. Not epic must read stuff but still a fun read regardless, great art too.

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Ya know it took some getting used to with Rat King being all Jokery but I'm still digging it. Not sure what I'd rate this event just yet (not really starting yet and all) but interesting nonetheless and hey Venus is back lulz

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