

Creator/Husband/Father/Veteran/Lover of Indie Comics Jeremiah 33:3…

フォロー数:1641 フォロワー数:1356

Classic anime series, absolutely killer wrap-around cover. If you've never seen or read this, does a great job setting up the series. 7/7 nostalgia vibes would recommend.

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Why don't we ever talk about how is a low-key Gold Key/ Stan?

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Maybe I'm bias cuz the Komori Clan > Neko Clan but Blood Wings is probably the best part of Lone Goat and Kid so far. Plus I had to share this batty page cuz the lulz are real.

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There's definitely some things about the current run I'm not a big fan of tbh but making Venus interesting? That's quite the feat, so props for that. I'm not sure it'll shake the stigma but it was def worth investigating so far.

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As expected both issues were awesome, Sakai never disappoints. The name of this series is cool but idk what it has to do with anything just yet but either way still a fantastic read 7/7 solid recommend.

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Still catching up on this series here and there. Not sure how I feel about Jennika yet she had like 2 words of dialogue here, also was weirdly absent from Last Ronin so far anywho. The weasel kids are awesome and ya feel for Old Hob here. Not a fan of this version of Ray tho.

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can be summed up as "Charlie is a straight up G." and "Ken and Ryu are bestbros always and forever", plus Akuma is a turd. Classic Street Fighter shenanigans! The Cammy stuff in 5 was pretty cringe tho ngl.

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There's only one way to settle this, first one to scoop this obscure 90s homage keeps the title belt:

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