

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:98

Game Freak doesnt fund the game alone theyre a development team if anything its the pokemon company that funds the games like they pretty much fund everything regarding pokemon, nintendo only publishes it.

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Considering what has came out this year so far, Pokemon might not even be a contenter, like always.

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Good to know that even you know you were bullshiting.

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I'd say money has been deposited on your eshop account but youre doing this shit for free

0 3

Why, a downfall for game freak is a win win situation for everyone but them, pokemon gets taken off them and given to new devs, we've seen what other devs can do with pokemon and its honestly pretty fucking good.

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Considering GF's team A is working on town which looks way fucking better graphic wise than pokemon then you would be correct, Pokemon needs to be removed from game freak and given to another developer, we've seen what other devs other than game freak can do with pokemon.

1 10

You literally created one for wooloo.

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Shouldn't you be happy that the game is being delayed to ensure quality instead of coming out as unfinished shit like the new pokemon?

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