

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:98

Imagine believing in game freak of all developers.

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actually not even that, it was just the first switch game, theyve had console games before, and you know what? they were amazing! aslo you know who didnt make them? GAME FREAK

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Have fun when pokemon degrades back to pixels because you kept buying it

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Ah yes the dettails of the world, like reflections not matching, like the same clouds, like the n64 textures on the trees and the same 3 clouds over and over.

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That'll be 60$ + 5$ a year for pokemon home please, thanks.

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If youre talking about quality then shall we see what happens when someone other than GF makes a pokemon game?

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Youve never heard anyone complain about the biggest complaint in skyward sword?

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