

Asian,Iban mix lun bawang. Metal & Hardcore punk/Shoegaze music enthusiast. #YNWA #DumSpiroSpero 🌈

フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:838

Trigun coming back after 24 years damn, it was decent first episode and by the look of it still follow the same narrative as original anime.

Vash still goofy as ever when he really serious sh*t going to be popped off.

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Also two original anime that might be gem of the summer season anime.

9. Bucchigire! (Geno studio)

10. Yurei deco (Science saru)

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Its fun to watch fudo and desumi to navigated shenanigans from both side in this episode 😭

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We love bojji growth but i feel bad for miranjo. She just a innocent girl like bojji that snapped.

Its nice of big four are protecting bojji and recognise him as true ousama 🔥🔥

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This is akari focussed ep. She finally love the marine life instead treating it as a "job".

I love how passionated all of them about the event , this series make feel fullfilling in certain ways ♥️

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My top 4 fav fall anime szn so far including second cours.

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They killed my fav character in this series 😭. Now without shigemori heike clan going to be on turmoil when tge opportunist trying vying for power to take control over the clan. Koremori need to step up big time to fill his father void

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Kill la kill had two badass female in anime.

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Done with ep 3 of eden zero. I love the cast so much

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