

Creative from Florida
"Mother" of Warriors of Light/ヒカセンの「ママ」(FF14)
ARKS Defender (PSO2 GL)
RPG Nerd
I'm 26 years old/26歳です!

フォロー数:4397 フォロワー数:1286

So, as we know, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao actually got mature designs in Blast. Some design elements were given to DW9 Da Qiao, and she does look a bit older than usual. Still, they haven't really rendered an older version of the Qiao sisters. Do we want them aged up?

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Zhang Changpu is gorgeous! Even in drawn form, I see the resemblance.

Zhang Changpu: Who's my little genius?
Zhong Hui: M-Mother! Don't embarrassed me with such talk! I am grand and I am great!
Also Zhong Hui: ...I am, Mother.

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Zhuge Ke and Zhuge Jin: the missing members of the Zhuge family, affiliated with late Wu. I know there's debate on whether or not either of them should be added. What do you guys think of their Blast designs?

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I suppose the last overlaps are that both games have a Susano'o and a Kyuubi.
Warriors Orochi has yet to have a Byakko or Suzaku and so on.

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Ahhh! I'm happy! Almost too happy! ❤🔥

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I'll just throw these two in for emphasis.
I will say, there were more male character Dakimakura covers than female, so I think they were more sure of the female fans to buy than the male fans.
But then they pull that added intimacy and/or foot fetish appeal for the female dakis

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All the more why I'm annoyed that in the male DW Body Pillow pictures, they still have their shoes on! The girls don't have them on, and that's either to make them look cuter/more vulnerable or for the foot fetish fans. XD
If it was about comfort, the boys would have theirs off.

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Geez, I know she's cute, but Koei REALLY seems enamoured with Xin Xianying... Very few other characters got this much fanservice, and no other DW9 newcomer did.

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Xin Xianying is the only DW9 addition to also be added to DW Unleashed. Apparently, there IS expansion of her role beyond Wuzhang Plains and her father's death. Dunno why the blanket story is important, but hey, XXY in Wu and Shu colors.

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Anyone else find it ironic that Xin Xianying's cowlick, a.k.a. an Ahoge (stupid hair), is meant to represent her wisdom? XD Also, kinda amusing that they purposely made her small chested because she likes to puff out her chest. Apparently, they DID try it in concept. LOL

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