

scribblings and doodles.
Be the best version of yourself.
lgbtq+ friendly.
Trans rights are human rights

フォロー数:483 フォロワー数:87

I, uh... I was looking through some old drafts and doodles, and I *may* have an obsession with the Cheesestrings mascot.

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This was one of the first films I remember watching besides the rugrats movie and Barney. My uncle left me to fall asleep to a New Hope on vhs. Whatever way my baby brain took it, I remember the garbage chute scene and this... my memory thought that it took place in an elevator

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Quick sketch of an edgy boi for a birthday gurl... Happy birthday , eat some cake!

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For your consideration...

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Dabbling with the idea of doing stickers or something. These could work for nice custom T-shirts too, with different shirt colours and E.V.A.D.E. cores, people could low-key cosplay. (I'm getting ahead of myself, but it's a simple design and could be fun)

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