

scribblings and doodles.
Be the best version of yourself.
lgbtq+ friendly.
Trans rights are human rights

フォロー数:483 フォロワー数:87

Broke: dating a dedicated student and future empress.
Woke: dating the oversexed lecturer with the big boobies (like the huge mess I am)

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Throwing my hat in.

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Oh dear God, stop right there.

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... books and comics bought straight away. I have the entire 1st wave and was prepared to continue getting into it. It's an absolute shame it was cancelled. I'd like to see Bionicle return but only if it has even half of the passion put into G1. 2/2

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15. Teridax was one of the sets I wanted as a kid, and didn't get until I was older. Most of the makuta sets had cool designs but I think of that bunch, Krika was my favourite. I love his spindly mantis look.

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You think that's dope, the anime is pretty sweet too. Only 25 episodes.

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