

#1 Fan of Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling.
Character Artist.
Darkstalkers fan.
Banner by @almguav…

フォロー数:401 フォロワー数:341

My submission for the Whether or not I get chosen, I am extremely proud how this came to look.

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Well, have a sketch. What is she supposed to be?

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Another OC done. Her name is Esuna Sanadora. 49 years. Healer and Mage. She is a seasoned traveler who is trying to better her abilities with magic and expand her knowledge of Herbalism. Her weapon are the beads floating around her wrist, capable of shifting size.

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Okay, I originally posted, but realized I made an error. Here is the full picture. Sorry. So yeah, my take on Master Aqua from kingdom Hearts. Enjoy.

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I never did and never will know you. But the time I have spent watching your content, whether through FTCR, HFC, BSC, or the Charity events have been several years of entertainment and joy. May the next chapter of your life be fulfilling and joyful. Sayonara Gareth and take care.

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This was a commission piece I had done by the talented . This character here is an OC of mine done in her art style. His Name is Auron.

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Something I was working on. My favorite Spider Boi, Taranza! Went with the idea of a kinda adult version. Either way, he was fun to draw.

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Was wanting to do some further practice doing some digital art. Decided to do fan art, and what better way then with the best demon ever. Alastor hype!

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