

Physicist, self declared artist, scout...
I draw characters designs, make shirt and stickers and do atomic physics. Instagram: Avalon_Art__

フォロー数:510 フォロワー数:450

Sketch -> final

one of many illustrations I'm doing for a card game, I particularly love this one :)

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And never forget the prince: Long may he reign!

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Not enough beholders you say? I drew this one a while ago but it stil counts :)

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For something completely different. Instead of our regular session of DnD we played Crash Pandas one-page rpg by . I hadn't had that much fun GM-ing in a long time, we basically laughed for 4 hours straight. Thoroughly recommend!

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Oh! This one was made for me :) A few from my dnd-classes sigils collection

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thank you for this :) I'm currently just above 300

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Hi!, I'm Ava and I draw all sorts, from illustrated weapons, characters and whatever else I fancy at the moment :) Here are a few of my works from last year:

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Armin Gray, a knowledge domain cleric in possession of the legendary symbol of ravenkind. beware!

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hi! thanks for the art share :) These are a few recent pieces I did

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Hi, thanks for this. I did all sorts of stuff this year, it was a wild one :)

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