

He/Him 30yo Pixel Artist

That one dude who did pixel art for passwordVN and Rtf

on my depressive artblock era, trying to post more

フォロー数:250 フォロワー数:468

he's finally out of the furry closet

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It's dooooooone, the Movie theater lobby! This was suppose to be a simple project so i can work on other maps for the campaign but then i made more than I was suppose to. Tons of fun, especially the popcorn.

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Yo fam I'm at soda machine, what drink you want?

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Alleyway is done, perfect for any hobo looking for a place to sleep or for selling some crack

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More characters! A half-elf named Angie who's family owns the Guilded Lilly. She is the source of a Reality trigger that recently occurred, making her an important npc for the beginning of my homebrew campaign.

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A modern white knight, wielding his trusty blade and fedora. He wears the shirt of his m'lady that he'll defend till death. Another enemy figment design for my campaign

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Another npc named Nox, An animus core researcher and co-founder of the Golden Way. Workaholic and wears a hazmat suit for everyone's protection.

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Panther Animal companion for 's ranger character. He's gotta little crystal on his forehead, I wanna poke it duuuude.

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Wanted a style I could use for creating generic NPC's for the campaign, and was inspired by danganronpa's silhouette style for npc's and general similar styles. might try different colors next time.

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