

Joint art twitter account run by (🍌) and (🍟). Mostly vtubers, games, anime. Programs: iPad + 🍎✏️+procreate/csp

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Drew Shion from sutamai!! スタマイの志音くんを描いた!!

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Miya Atsumu from haikyuu !! I love he

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Thank you for 2020! I hope to continue drawing and improving ~🍟

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Real quick doodle of Faasan wearing my outfit 🙈 everyday I think about how that youkinlucilius account never followed me 🥺

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Merry Christmas! Drew itaru in my outfit~ 🍟

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Happy birthday to jhoel (🍌)!

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Congratulations to Sora on his debut!!

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Day 28!! I was lazy again LOL wasn’t sure what the prompt meant so I just assumed it was basically a character who doesn’t come home,,, lancey if ur out there

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