

Joint art twitter account run by (🍌) and (🍟). Mostly vtubers, games, anime. Programs: iPad + 🍎✏️+procreate/csp

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:23

M-Mister Yokozawa san ,,,, the only one that matters in the hot mess that is Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 😔🙏🏻

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We’ve evolved and changed our username to banana frys!! Quick doodle of the banana fries done by both jhoel and I -🍌🍟

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Hello. Have my oc Cyrus wearing the outfit I wore today ~🍟

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Drew Shion from stand my heroes! My son. ~🍟

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Kyosuke from Stand My Heroes!!! Taking quick doodle requests like these from now on too!! tho they may take some time to do 💕

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Sandalphon n Lucio!!! I love them so much 😭✨sorry for being in granblue fantasy hell jhjghghfih Im proud of how I drew sandy tho 😔💦

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Was my friends birthday so I drew~🍟

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Drew a smol euden from dragalia lost for children’s day ~ 🍟

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