

MH Researcher (Retiring in March/April).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1281 フォロワー数:54239

Monster Hunter Frontier G9 added one new Exotic Species in December. The fourth Main Series monster to be brought over to Frontier was Barioth! In Frontier, Barioth uses all of the attacks and moves it had in every 3rd Gen game as well as some never before seen ones.

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With the help of special bodily fluids, electricity flows throughout its body for it to increase its activities. The more solar energy it gathers with its wings, the more active it'll become. It uses the electricity it generates both offensively and defensively.

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Berserk Laviente required 24 - 32 hunters to hunt it, but that changed in later updates.

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Like Violent Laviente, Berserk Laviente is aggressive because of its intense hunger, especially after waking up recently. As mentioned previously, it's trying to reach the surface of Solitude Island to feed on its inhabitants to sate its hunger.

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The Flagship Monster of Monster Hunter Frontier G9 is the final and most dangerous of the Laviente, Berserk Laviente. While the normal Laviente is full and well-nourished, Berserk Laviente has just awakened from its long slumber and is hungry, ready to feed once again.

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Monster Hunter Frontier G9 introduced two new HC Monsters: HC Silver Hypnocatrice and HC Lavasioth Subspecies.

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The Frontier Team said they would be using that poll for future reference, but Vespoid Queen never happened (Plus, we need to remember that both MH Teams have problems implementing bugs and crabs in their games anyway).

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After G8, Vespoid Queen, Giadrome, and Sand Barioth appeared on a poll for the next Exotic Species in G10.1, but none of them are ever mentioned again beyond said poll.

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Although Rathalos and Rathian are already in Frontier, their 3rd Gen cousins were considered for Monster Hunter Frontier G8 as Exotic Species, meaning Frontier would've had 1st-2nd Gen Raths and 3rd Gen Raths in one game. It's unknown why they were ultimately scrapped.

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After Monster Hunter Frontier G8, more Exotic Species would appear in later updates for Frontier. Before Zinogre, Deviljho, and Brachydios were added to Monster Hunter Frontier, other monsters were considered for the game before them.

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