

Verified horse girl.
Currently at WBA

フォロー数:558 フォロワー数:5516

Firefoot Broadwing

These pegasi are named for their red feathered feet. With a robust, hardy, & daring nature, these broadwings are perfect for gutsy pilots and dangerous jobs. They tend to be found anywhere you can find dramatic plateaus, cliffs, and rock spires.

Commission :)

54 323

Crookwing Pegasus

Though they are commonly broadwings, “crookwing” is a common term for any corvid-themed pegasus, regardless of class.

True to their name, these pegs are crafty, mischievous, and all sorts of playful.

Commissioned :)

21 145

Whip-crest Longwing

These longwings generally have good temperaments. They can be found along river deltas.

46 259

Bitty broadwing, little longwing, smol shortwing

13 100

A Sapphire Narrow Broadwing

A "narrow" broadwing is a subclass of broadwing that's closer to a longwing in stature, complete with longer ears, though their diet is that of a broadwing.

Sapphire broadwings are named for the stark blue band on their wings.

42 231

Chonk turkey and not-chonk flamingo

152 678

I had to update my icon to include my now-past-shoulder-length hair 😅 Crazy to think I had an ultra-short pixie cut not too long ago

1 26

An illustration of a tavern meal from a short story I'm working on for the Sky Cowboys universe 🤠


2 25

Pebble Clip-tailed Mini Longwing

These little longwings live nearby gravely rivers and thrive on seasonal floodwaters

Kingfisher 3/5

35 212