

He/him. Tired programmer that occasionally draws and is trying to get better at it. Likes pears, dragons and sushi. @FloofyTreat's hubby 💜. Icon by @Zibe_

フォロー数:615 フォロワー数:556

A big snail enjoying a snack

29 106

Gift icon for of their lizzerd Wisp

6 19

Big soft but still metallic snail

29 156

Around when Legends Arceus came out, one day, I dreamt that Hisuian Goodra had a different form depending on gender, and that the female one was Dragon/Poison and looked like this.

I even woke up thinking "I needa get me two Goomies so I can have both Goodra forms" haha

39 141

Soft stretchy metallic snail

47 208