

He/him. Tired programmer that occasionally draws and is trying to get better at it. Likes pears, dragons and sushi. @FloofyTreat's hubby 💜. Icon by @Zibe_

フォロー数:617 フォロワー数:559

Original character! Her name's Brooke, and she's a Pyschic-type leader concept I've had for long.

She's a pro chess player, known around the world. Her experience as such translate well to Pokémon battles, where she seems to always be multiple steps ahead of her opponent.

4 12

Ampharos offered "a Pocky" to Goodra... I think the gooey lad misunderstood what he meant though!

26 76

Liepard complimented your hair! Wait, is he lying or...?

8 35

Purrloin's on her way to stea- I mean, return something!

9 30

Yoshi seems to be ready to celebrate Pumpkin Month!

This is gonna be used as the Smashcords Yoshicord server's icon for a bit!

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