

He/him. Tired programmer that occasionally draws and is trying to get better at it. Likes pears, dragons and sushi. @FloofyTreat's hubby 💜. Icon by @Zibe_

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wanted me to draw a Vulpix head and I didn't really feel like drawing so... Here's the result:

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I wanted to try making a binary brush or something similar to that in FireAlpaca and doodled a Goo w/ my current mood with it.

I like making weird expressions, both in drawings and irl.

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There's this webcomic called "Uh-oh it's a dinosaur" by and it's, like, one of the best things ever! I simply adore the simple style (ha) and its humor. I can't express how much I adoreit so I doodled its main character, Kyra!

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I got inspired by all the Dragonairs I saw posted with this hashtag and I wanted to draw one too!

Maybe I'm late now... Sorry if so!

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Gooey Goop! 🐌💜

Wanted to stick to Goodra's original design instead of using the proportions I usually use. I think it came out cute~ Also I can't get used to this tablet, even though I've had it for so long now D:

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