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Daniel Cherry's main legacy from his year at DC comics is that right before he started all the white editors scrambled to hire as many Black writers as they could to avoid embarrassing themselves when he showed up, and this panel. A net success imho.
We've really been doing "Superman uses his heat vision too much" discourse since 2005 huh.
I usually don't care for Rags Morales but he's secretly one of the all-time best Wonder Woman artists. He draws her as a brawler, short, huge thighs, really physical. The Hories' rubbery colors make his art seem less stiff than in Identity Crisis or Action Comics.
Absolutely no one agrees for a variety of reasons, but I think the new World's Finest comic makes a compelling case that DC should do a full reboot so Dick Grayson can be Robin again.
These are two different comics with the exact same lettering style and I'm exhausted just looking at the pages. My weak eyes can't read this much white-on-black text.
Christ, this bit about Jean Loring getting tortured in arkham is so fucked up. Completely mean spirited.
In one issue Meltzer does a cutesy "Hal Jordan is too good to stay dead for long 😉" easter egg cameo, and then in the next issue he reveals that Hal Jordan lobotomized Batman in the 70s.
On the flipside, Identity Crisis really is as bad as everyone always said. Embarrassing lack of craft and self-serious to the point of parody. The way the character's all talk about wives cracks me up and I can't quite explain why.