

Just embrace the stupid. Manimal fan club tyrant, leader of the hogans heroes reenactments society, world champion underwater basket weaving weaver, pizza 4life

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My favorite out of context insult at work

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My Lord 🖤🥰🤘

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Mmmmmmmm, my lord Vader. 🖤

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0-0-0 you are my hero and I hope to be half the thing you are.

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Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn. 🖤😈

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new Psych movie coming to our eye and ear holes.

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OMG yes, Trip in command of the good Doctor. Nothing but heartache and tragedy can come this and I’m so excited.

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Henry Rollins mentioned Finals in the 3rd episode of I can’t wait to find out what’s different.

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Part 2 plus no the dear john letter to tommy

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