

Just embrace the stupid. Manimal fan club tyrant, leader of the hogans heroes reenactments society, world champion underwater basket weaving weaver, pizza 4life

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:35

So good and so nostalgic

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Make my Alpha 5 grow

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My older bro, such a badass.

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Last Action Hero like Demolition Man have gotten better with time and somehow more relevant satire then they were in the 90’s. Although I think Demolition Man was suppose to be more straight but somehow predicted millennial culture. Filthy millennials.

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Much propbfrom using Scorpina and that Godzilla imagery.

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Oh cosmic Ghost Rider, love you 🖤

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Somebody chose poorly.

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He’s one bad mother fu*ker.

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And my dream is dashed that the original Rick would play Ice Pick in the new one. It turns out it’s Daddy Spencer from Psych 🖤

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