

Average teenage transfem • 19 • Maker of microcassettes • I do art sometimes as well.

フォロー数:201 フォロワー数:328

MS paint doodle I did in class today of Duke Nukem eating cereal. Featuring shading by

1 6

Validation is a really cool and easy way to accommodate your trans friends, and can mean a whole lot those who don't get to hear it often enough.

6 66

Happy I'm bea, a bisexual transfem who does relatable comics and other art type stuff! Shoutout to all my other trans folks out there.

1 19

When they said we'd be going back to school full time this wasn't what I had in mind.

0 26

My hair is literally the only thing I've got going for me right now, please don't take it away.

9 82

Hi! Sorry for a lack of content as of late. Have some fanart of an obscure bit she was doing in chat when I hopped in.

7 60

How it feels living with family that have never had hair that goes past the back of their necks.

0 33

New comic! I made a tweet about this when it happened and thought it'd do well in comic form.

50 663

"Wow this is garbage, you actually like this?" Featuring

2 22