

Average teenage transfem • 19 • Maker of microcassettes • I do art sometimes as well.

フォロー数:201 フォロワー数:328

I've been eyeing banner art for a while now and cooked this idea up a couple of nights ago. Is this fanart? Technically I suppose.

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Looking in the mirror as a trans girl is wild because I either see myself as a woman and think "yeah I'd make a good girl" or see a very tired guy with too much to think about. There is almost never any in-between.

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Decided to draw because I think she's really cool and I like her character! I experimented with shading a bit on this one

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I'd recommend it. Once I was comfortable with coming out to people I knew would be supportive I started doing it with goofy doodles like this one. "Guess who's got 2 thumbs and strongly suspects they aren't a man anymore?"

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