

Scrivo racconti e poesie - I write short stories and poems
Ho un altro account - I have another account: @BeatriceDini2
Icon by @AzuriCaprice

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Prego per le vittime innocenti dell'ennesima strage... ma fino a quando si continuerà a tollerare tutto questo?

4 12

I have decided that, compatibly with my work commitments, and of course with my inspiration, I will start writing again ... I need to do it, because writing is part of me and helps me to live

2 2

Since I was a child I have always loved writing stories and I have always had the dream of becoming a writer ... at a certain point I had to choose and I focused on another safer job, but, when I can, I continue to write ...

2 9

I understood my mistakes and I changed, test me and I will prove it to you. I miss you...

5 14

In the course of my life there have been several ... in this last period it is certainly her

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