Ben Royce(Read The Little Aeromancer on Webtoons!)さんのプロフィール画像

Ben Royce(Read The Little Aeromancer on Webtoons!)さんのイラストまとめ

Hi, I'm Ben and I love my wife and drawing :D

フォロー数:297 フォロワー数:8829

Watched the first episode of with the wife, loving it! Read the first issue forever ago but never got around to the next ones... looking forward to seeing how it unfolds :) also, amazing casting of JK Simmons btw, 5/5!

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Lychee doodle :O he's such a fun edgy boi to play

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Elliott after a trip to Maine
wanted to draw something more relevant to the book but nothin looked right. might try again later :P

0 7

Been listening to a lot of lately, more people should check her out!

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