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Speaking of Wonder Egg Priority, whenever I hear Ura-Acca's name, I can't help but think of Ocaho Uraraka.
I almost want to see a mash-up of these two, but that might be too terrifying. 😰
Today's the Nintendo Switch's 4th birthday!! To celebrate reply or quote retweet with:
• Your favorite Switch game
• Your first Switch game
• A game you really want on Switch
• Switch game you're most excited for https://t.co/hML5a25y6u
First game, favorite game, favorite Pokemon, favorite trainer: https://t.co/MI3rPRCe7e
It's a companion piece to another picture I commissioned from
last year with a similar Pokemon/ToS ship name pun.
It's Maril meets Marill! "Maril" never actually caught on as a nickname for Emil x Marta in the fandom, though. Even so, love this pic!🥰
So hard to pick just four, and there are so many more I want to add... https://t.co/wvzGcP7G7p
@Zoza_Zero Marta Lualdi from Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, please. :)