

Writer, cosplayer and game developer. QA Director @FireHoseGames. Purveyor of #flavoradded. Publisher of #McSqueeneys. Puns intended. He/him.

フォロー数:1345 フォロワー数:4970

There was a cycle of Avatars in Prophecy, which cost 8 mana to cast, but could be played for 6 less if you met a certain condition!

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I mean, if you don't care overmuch about winning, Soul Sisters is always a good time. 😂

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Please, please remember that you are fab.

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Today's is: Talara's Battalion

"Sometimes courage just takes some encouragement."

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Plus it's good to see the bad guys from Dragon Prince getting some work!

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It's such an oddly-specific example. At the time this card was printed, there were only three 6/3 creatures.

I guess that giant housecat used to be a Panther Warrior?

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Well, it seems like RobberOfTheRich locked my trading account (boo!), but I'm still amazed by how many of you were able to help me with my stonk tips!

The answers were:

Memory Jar (Urza's Legacy)
Tithe (Visions)
Thought Lash (Alliances)
Pixie Queen (Legends)


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