

Writer, cosplayer and game developer. QA Director @FireHoseGames. Purveyor of #flavoradded. Publisher of #McSqueeneys. Puns intended. He/him.

フォロー数:1345 フォロワー数:4970

Also, if you're curious about Plunderdome or want to learn more, AMA and I'll answer what I can!

0 4

It's that thing people are always telling her she should do more often, right before this happens.

0 2

I think about this comic by a lot.

23 185

Just a reminder that is an A++ artist and A++ human who has already painted an utterly badass Liliana, and who could be making art for Magic tomorrow.

6 35

A very important debate, since — as we all know — there can only be one story at a time.

4 143