

Certified Gamer of Culture™

I'm about games, BIG GAMES

フォロー数:257 フォロワー数:20

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) 6/10
Yeah, this went overboard with the comedy. It felt embarrassed to be sincere. Sometimes that worked sometimes it didn't. The cgi also is probably the worst it's been in these movies.

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The design kinda gives me Undertale/Deltarune edge vibes

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Zone of the Enders: 2167 Idolo (2001) 10/10

So this OVA made to market a videogame is essentially the mecha genre condensed into one bomb ass 50 minute experience. This could totally be a gateway anime to Gundam for someone. Also Idolo is probably my favourite mecha design.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) 8/10

Wow, an mcu movie with genuinely interesting camera work, editing and set pieces. Also, after about a billion movies, finally a good villain.

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Baki Hanma (2021) 8/10

I was pleasantly surprised to see that arguably the best arc was pretty decently animated half the time and sometimes even quite well animated at certain parts. Hopefully they keep improving cuz Baki deserves quality animation.

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George Carlin's American Dream (2022) 9/10

The funniest part of this was when they got to Carlin's pretty anti-capitalist bits and they cut to Seinfeld being like "Fine, if you like comedians criticising society then enjoy it."
Also Hasan Minhaj calling him The Joker

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When are they gonna put Eega Beeva in Kingdom Hearts?

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Moon Knight (2022) 6/10

The entire time I was watching this I was thinking I could be watching Kamen Rider right now. There were some good moments tho

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I miss pre-timeskip Nico Robin so much

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Bodycount (1996) 7/10

This is some edgy ass 90's grimy comic shit. The story's nothing but the art by Simon Bisley is amazing, and it's hilarious how despite being so violent the expletives used here are like "butthole" and "dipstick"

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