Billy Hynes (on my way to bluer skies)さんのプロフィール画像

Billy Hynes (on my way to bluer skies)さんのイラストまとめ

Comics Enabler! ⚠️ May cause you to buy things.

フォロー数:630 フォロワー数:2354

The fact that Jae Lee only got those 3 X-Factor issues and the Uncanny annuals to flex his Bisley period muscles on is a crime.
I’d rather have seen more of this barely readable rubbish than the unreadable rubbish he went and did at Image

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The Hulk arc Weeks did with David was great. His Cap with Gibbons and Wolverine Punisher with Milligan. A nice body of work from around the same period. All with Palmer inks (never a bad thing)

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Weird to think this should have been the same period if it had come out at the time. Imagine benching this strip?
were you always going to ink Mignola’s Clayface strip or brought in for the final printing?

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Great irony in an already funny book. An anti weed ad in an Alan Moore comic. The ad, incidentally, was written by a team of try-hard dad’s. These responses are so uncool that it makes you want to smoke door to avoid becoming the kind of person who says 8. “Two words - N - O”

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Mark Chiarello. Known as a colourist, notably over some great Mignola work, there are a few drawn jobs by him. Batman/Houdini, a Clive Barker strip, a Bradbury strip and just a couple more. Worth seeking out

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Superman by the Hilderbrants over Kirby. I wondered if it was painted in grey but no! 26/x

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Ralph Steadman Breaking Bad portraits. As an aside, am I the only person with a mental bridge between Jesse + Heisenberg = Jesse Eisenberg?

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Whilce and Travis had the sense to leave a lot of empty space for theirs

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