

Broadcasting on iTunes and every other week, identical twins on opposite sides of the country talking all things geek!

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We thought 's take on Arcee and Aileron was just perfect.

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Happy Rumble and Frenzy hope you are having a safe and comfortable Friday :)

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Next up for some goodness (Jazz is a music lover & doesn't play favorites.)

This has been making the rounds for a while, but we only found a now defunct devart account, anyone know the artist?
Jazz Soundwave Blaster

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Following Diamond Comics Distributors’s decision to stop distribution until the end of the COVID-19 crisis, announces their plans moving forward, including no-fee returnable terms for stores, suspension of May releases & reduced publishing.

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Happy In honor of the new trailer, here's a little something for the shippers.

(This image has been retweeted and reposted a bunch, but our google fu isn't turning up the artist. Any experts want to weigh in so we can give proper credit?)

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Not our favorite of the nominees unfortunately (especially when you include the "Highly Commended" Tweet Tweet) but the Academy disagrees: Pixar's wins for Best Animated Short.

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Did you catch the new trailer last night? Check it out here, along with the new poster!

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“Most of the action in this story takes place in Vu Côn‘s palace, which was built by Vanisher technology and is totally and entertainingly insane.”
reviews ’s “The Vanisher’s Palace.”

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