

He/Him | 20 | Fartist | SRB2 modder | Metalhead
I like Sonic and DragonBall.
Banner by absolutenutcase162…

フォロー数:451 フォロワー数:2815

Sprited Bardock. Pretty proud of this one.

5 45

Haven't drawn Bardock in a while. Decided to do that.

3 28

Haven't drawn anything in a while. Here's DC-Sonic doing the iconic Adventure pose!

156 813

Also fun fact: Dark Sonic isn't blackened, he's just REALLY dark. I guess that plays in the name "Dark Sonic", even other fans takes note of that. But I'll still go with the left option, since it's technically more accurate.

0 11

X-Sonic's still in development!

16 49

Tyke the Cosmic Porcupine.

3 15

Back at it with the Sonic Advance edits! This time, Shadow.

168 1125