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*Non-Anatomy Alert* Finally found time to finish #KingofAssassins by @dedbutdrmng.
Absolutely brilliant Fantasy series which went from strength-to-strength! A perfect end to a brilliant arc, and my only regret is that there is no more to come from Girton and co..!
Absolutely delightful that our e-learning service decided to send me a really loud email at 0540 this morning: nice early start for doggo and I!
#CompleteAnatomy2019 by @3D4Medical is here at last! Personally, a mixed launch...!
Lots of tweaks and refinements! The new features are interesting - the ‘beating heart’ is very cool, and I am loving the new ‘dark’ theme!
Name that anatomical structure in todays #anatomy #CatchPhrase!
#AnatEd #MedEd
Had a relatively enjoyable day today throwing together some anatomy resources on the fly. All part and parcel of tweaking some of our Y2 teaching resources.
Don't be fooled though, still terrified of brains. #neurophobia
@amandameyerphd Much better idea! Maybe if we redesign #omanyte to lose the shell?
I am ashamed that I remembered his name 😅 #90sKid #original151
Question: is there a requirement on some publications that all manuscripts have a molecular density greater than Osmium?
Detail and specificity are all well and good, but is it necessary for non-specific language to be impenetrably dry and verbose?
Having a little bit of a slow monday...so inevitably I end up laughing at things online instead of getting on and writing my #renal lecture...
Courtesy of @theawkwardyeti - a happy stomping ground for procrastinating #anatomists.
I realise I have been tweeting on the train for 90 minutes already, but for those who like me have failed to find a way out - have a very happy Monday! (courtesy of @theawkwardyeti).