Necro Bonello, Skeleton Vampire 🩸💀🩸さんのプロフィール画像

Necro Bonello, Skeleton Vampire 🩸💀🩸さんのイラストまとめ

Vampire Assassin Vtuber. Old school aficionado and lover of all types of games! My designer/mama @MysteriousFoxG1 Fanart Tag: #Necrosbones NSFW: #NecroBoner

フォロー数:404 フォロワー数:421

I died...but got better! Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux continues!!

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I might be late to get a spotlight but I'm still on time to give a good bye.

Names Necro Bonello, Skeleton Vampire Assassin Extraordinaire, and I owe people like Vtuber of the Week a lot for getting my name out there and allowing me to meet so many amazing people as I have. GL!!

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We got our Weekly scheduled SMT stuff going on!
I think the just talking stuff didn't work too well for me, but I do love making tier lists for ya'll so I'll keep that on for Fridays! See ya then skelelads!

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Welp as promised, ya boy is gonna be doing some tier list stuff, ranking fighting games on characters and other things and then we're off to the Red Light Sector in Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux!

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Btw thanks to for the raid! I passed it onto for more fun!

Be sure to watch them. Do it for Charmy's brother. He died eating an LSD laced chillidog.

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Alright alright, sorry I slept through our chatting time but at the very least I can give you guys the main event. SHin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux Continues!

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