Necro Bonello, Skeleton Vampire 🩸💀🩸さんのプロフィール画像

Necro Bonello, Skeleton Vampire 🩸💀🩸さんのイラストまとめ

Vampire Assassin Vtuber. Old school aficionado and lover of all types of games! My designer/mama @MysteriousFoxG1 Fanart Tag: #Necrosbones NSFW: #NecroBoner

フォロー数:404 フォロワー数:421

Schedule up a lil late because Monster Hunter. But we got the usual suspects with some new stuff mixed in. A potential one shot of spelunky, and a collab on EDF 5 with . And we'll be doing something else with the drake with Pokemon showdown on Saturday!

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A whole new zone to explore, and all new mutants to make my life a living hell. Stalker: Call of Pripyat, continues!

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Cursed by a vampire hundreds of years ago, scarred by the sun, the Skeletal Vampire Necro Bonello has been living as an assassin to survive.

With little memory of his origins, he lives in the shadows battling and devouring anything and anyone for the right price.

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I'm all alone...searching for things I can't even comprehend. Please come join me out in the zone. Stalker: Call of Pripyat begins tonight!!

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I'll be sharing more about comics I've read with ya'll. The other day I blitzed through Godzilla in Hell and it was a lot of fun. Mostly told visually, it was a great trip through the various levels of hell Goji traverses. And having different artists for each issue was a treat!

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Hello, Hello! We got the usual suspects and a return to serious sam with and !! And we're gonna go back to horror Friday's with something a little...different. I'll be starting the Stalker series with Call of Pripyat! See ya there skelelads!

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Oh I think I missed this. Well I'ma pop in anyway cause it's always a good time to talk about swimsuits! Bikinis, one pieces, frilly, scantily...I love em all! I think it's because a good swimsuit can tell ya a bit about a lady's character while still showing off skin. Plus wet.

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